Utopian Economy


     When we consider our value system, devise value.  Then, how does value come into tangibility?  Not easily conceived; however, quested to be articulated here.

     When considering the bartering system, value is held with the seller in agreeance and offering barterer.  They agree on a platform and make the exchange.  Today, let us simplify with the example and use of currency.  A digit registers a measurement of value in  swap for a service or good.  That very bill of something perhaps completely unaffiliated, but nothing less--equal in value. 

     Then there is that term again, "value."  Here is a simplified breakup of our value system.  Try to take some imagination with the purpose of holding that vision bringing liberty conversation with utopian motives.  Simply put, our currency and monetary value system only buys two things, and two things alone.  These two things can be widely used and varied almost so that it propels the world into orbit.  But, we wouldn't be fooled if we knew what it was that was measuring our values.  Want to hear it?  Ok.  Time and Space.

     Time and Space, that is all money buys.  Easiest example is a mortgage.  Buys Space to quarter to be paid over a a period of Time.  Too simple?  Let's think of a chicken nugget, which was purchased--takes Space in your belly, and enables your body to rest, move or regenerate.  Covers Time and Space so to speak.

     What about a light bulb?  How is that Time and Space?  Consider an unlit room.  Almost useless without a candle, but your value system couldn't afford a candle so you turn on your light bulb.  All of a sudden you have a room again.  Space.  That only you really need until the sun comes up, and thus is Time.

     What about a couple dollar bills after some coffee?  This to me, gets even juicier.  The dollar bills keep the consistency of the relationship, in Space, over a period of Time--measured by the value system.  (The effect of gratuity in an action that leads to the utopian complexity of measuring Time and Space as a value system.)

     Take into the essence of movement.  The mobility of man is not free.  Taken by health, learned through age.  Costly and sensitive.  If our value system could include motion with Time and Space in this utopian economy then perhaps anything would be a measurement of value and not only a set feature like monetary cash and credit?

     Imagine a purchase that is funded by your own unit of stock, received as unique to the recipient, and passed forward in a layering contributing gain in a capital platform.

    The removal of currency as a means to purchase fuel should be a utility rather than a good or service up for commodities and exchanges as a feature that values motion into the Time and Space value system.  So much so, with the wave of electric vehicles this could very much be the case as energy from the grid powering motorists and vacating oil dependence setting the foreground for a utopian economy.

     It is possible to imagine that the greatest feat of Time and Space is that covers our reality.  Designing a variable to be assigned as measurement and expounded for centuries thereafter in free trade open markets based on this fundamental element of this variable as monetary value --is financial progression.  This of course not considering how to acquire, invent, startup and ignite all of which are movements of the human physique, which we already explored as not free or even given.

     It is here that observation takes to statement that money, or our value system does indeed not account for origination nor production, but only what is produced as trade.  As we allow our world to be given with land and sea and fertility without the hardships of volcanic movements and bubbling acidic swamps; foresees stability where very much invariability as constant--cushions the delicacy of Time and Space as solitary contributors of value. 

     It is comfortable to say that we may inhabit this world that has earned its stability, or at least at what appears to be planetary surface.  As financial systems were set off egalitarian aspects liberating more and more year after kingdom to nation.  At last, the surface of our value system will include inertia when calculating value gaining awareness of the illusionary purchase of Time and Space.  It would be brilliant to use currency to measure it, ironically.  In fact, the concept has already been woven in as the existence is greater than simply Time and Space.  Originate the concept that we as the physique operate the economy, while quantifying in currency may be old fashioned, and soon enough a vehicle of utopian present to possess ourselves as primary value, and products negotiable--monetizing a proper and perhaps beginnings of our Utopian Economy.