Living in a world that has disparity and teaching fairness to children is complex.  Understanding a shortage of good jobs, and to see that language is no barrier is encouraging.  Depending on geographical location one can speak in their native tongue and exist in America.  This is impressive.

We also had an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, former U.S. President, and running for office once again.  I say, if you don’t want him to win, don’t vote for him.

Enough politics, we are here to discover disparity.  Ironically, politics comes to mind but really it is conceptual.  How people process. 

Take me for example, I walk the streets and people think I think of myself as the messiah.  When I know that the Messiah, in prophecy, comes at the end of the world, which I do not believe is our time now, and also that Jesus is the Messiah.  And, also that many religions do not believe in a messiah and the complex is more impressed upon than self-exhibited.  I actually find the look commandeering of how one would look traveling the world and seeing many faces.  Always looking for a smile to be friendly with, even in broken language.

However, the disparity of ideologies and politics and mindsets are really only allusions.  As the one side chants “unity,” which “One love” is consistent with, although it comes across like an invitation only; perhaps leaves a constant obsolete.  

We have ecosystems that are at the brink of non-existence, rapists getting raped in jail, terrorists threatening order because order is f%cked, too a degree.  And in America, we have people on the streets whether they walked or swam or ran away. 

What is really going on with this world?

I just ty-dyed old shirts with my daughter and Nana.  Grandpa cooks on the weekends.  I have loved ones that understand my condition.  And aspirations that reach Zion.  I hope you do too.  And lend a hand to others.  Lend more than help, but better yet listen and take the insight. 

And, if you can’t help—let them know.  And, and…don’t rob them!

People are driven by the core value system of currency as a vehicle to acquire wants and needs.  I get paid zero for putting this out.  My hopes are that you find interest enough to buy some fiction I’ve done. 

Dr. King Jr. is a saint.  Bob Dylan is a living god.  Mecca is still the spot.  And getting  restful sleep shouldn’t take an anecdote. 

Talk to one another like you care for their present situation.  Nothing more.  You see a store clerk on the phone, don’t bother them.  Buy your tall boy and walk out. 

You’re seventeen and you want to go to war because you think you are tactical?  Ask who are we fighting and why?  That goes for all sides, too! 

People need to lay down their arms, and the metal weapons grasped.  No, we cannot have our world leaders assassinated.  Maybe mutiny, but not assassination.  Leave that to fiction, please.  A world in chaos will surely make it to our backyard.   Heaven’s no! 

In grace, we may…
